Monday, February 18, 2013

More on "A Grief Observed"

Since this book is shorter than most of his books, i'm going to try and break down each chapter in half. Chapter three that I discussed in the last post lacked some of the information I believe was crucial in chapter three.  This chapter was more of a turning point for C.S. Lewis and was much easier to read because it seemed like a burdon or heaviness was somewhat lifted off his shoulders. In part of chapter three he says, "If my house had collapsed at one blow, that was because it was a house of cards." That quote hit me hard and made me think about what he meant by that.  I started to think that maybe he was referring to how building a house of cards would take time and patience to do. I guess that's what life is like. It takes time and patience to build a solid relationship with God and have faith in him, but on the other hand it seemed like he was referring to his belief and faith being unstable and uncertain like a house built of cards would be. Like he said, with one blow it would fall to the ground like how his faith would be if something bad happened in his life.  But in reality, our lives shouldn't end because of one mishap or disaster... we should learn to build it back up and learn from our circumstances and maybe build the house with bricks next time.

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